1.  As she watched the officials tour the camp, a woman named Maria burst into loud tears.

2.  ETHNIC SLAUGHTER IN BOSNIAN WAR: The father addresses his daughter, a young woman named Vera, who is holding her newborn.

3.  Four days before Christmas, a young woman named Susan sat down at her computer, typed the following message and sent it out on the information highway.

4.  He chooses a beautiful deaf woman named Cristine (Stacy Edwards) and he turns on the charm.

5.  He also denied meeting a woman named Andrea Terry whom Bailey says will back Bell's statement.

6.  Henriques, who lives in Tokyo now, has never met a Lake Worth woman named Rebecca Baker.

7.  I asked a young woman named Jeannie on Market Street.

8.  How, asked a woman named Millicent, do people like me fit into your Republican platform?

9.  If ever there was a perfect person to test for a newly discovered colon cancer gene, it was a 50-year-old Maryland woman named Candace.

10.  If you are asking a single woman named Jane Smith _ and only Jane _ the invitation should be addressed to her.

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