1.  As a highway bridge crosses Partington Creek, watch for a gated dirt road that juts down toward the ocean.

2.  Depending on the time of day, visitors can watch Conley at work through big windows.

3.  Currency traders watch jobs figures closely because they provide the month's first insight into the economy's strength.

4.  Descending the station steps, I watch three maintenance workers repairing a broken escalator.

5.  Democrats nationally are watching the case that could set a precedent for how other states handle potential problems with redistricting.

6.  Despite the controversy in Switzerland, Denmark has been watching the program with interest.

7.  Dempsey has watched the maturation of Ed O'Bannon with a touch of amusement.

8.  Despite the flurry of activity, however, De Bont will be closely watching the reaction to "The Haunting."

9.  Despite the fact he watches the television show nearly every afternoon, 8-year-old Matthew Dillahunty has dropped the Rangers from his wish list.

10.  Despite the rising profits, GM executives have been watching the company's market share in the United States continue its decades-long slide.

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