1.  Despite a 1998 season that has seen Keith Jackson perform as passionately and colorfully as ever, the dean of ABC's announcers has stayed the course to retirement.

2.  Despite her abbreviated attendance, Alejandra has stayed on the honor roll.

3.  Despite that, it has stayed popular with a public that responds to both its nostalgia and its patriotism.

4.  Despite general upheaval after Sept. 11 and the huge amount of sublease space thrown on the market, investing has "stayed true to course," Mikula said.

5.  Despite outside temperatures around minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit, he has stayed reasonably warm with the help of two cabin heaters.

6.  Despite the structural changes, Dorf's strategy has stayed consistent.

7.  Despite vastly improved corporate financial performance, annual pay raises for the average worker have stayed at about 4 percent.

8.  Despite the on-again, off-again signals, Ruffalo and Ms. Yager have stayed with the show.

9.  Despite the opportunities, however, all three have stayed with 7:30 opening bells.

10.  Despite his greater love of the stage, Walsh has stayed put in Hollywood since 1988.

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