1.  Derek Anderson doesn't show because he thinks coach Chris Ford gave the club the day off.

2.  Curiously, independent observations by Jewitt's group do not show the gray-red split, but rather an even distribution of colors between the two hues.

3.  Despite Dole's firm grasp on the party's nomination, Buchanan shows no signs of abandoning the race.

4.  Despite Eritrea's retreat, Ethiopia shows no signs of stopping the fight, continuing its push into southern Eritrea.

5.  Despite Eritrea's retreat, Ethiopia shows no signs of stopping the fight.

6.  Currently most wireless e-mail offerings can not show the contents of attached documents.

7.  Democrats showed no mercy to Richard Nixon, embroiled in Vietnam, opening up Western policy to China, and attempting detente with the Soviet Union.

8.  Despite frequent urgings from her husband, she shows no sign of running.

9.  Despite his detractors, Delgaudio shows no signs of ending his unusual career, and the search for the perfect sound bite.

10.  Despite the growth in Webphone calling, large long-distance carriers have so far shown no concern.

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