1.  As Lana returns the book, she demonstrates that, like all well-rounded Kansas teen-agers, she is up on her 19th-century German philosophers.

2.  As the students line up to return library books, 5-year-old Tracy Sugiyama turns to classmate Shikha Subramanian.

3.  Daily, he asks his father if this is the day the book will be returned.

4.  He told the teacher, Candace Briney, that he was moving and was going to return some books.

5.  He would always return library books on time, in perfect condition.

6.  Her publisher reported that some purchasers were returning the book and asking for their money back.

7.  I read it, then returned the book to him with thanks for a novel never to be forgotten.

8.  I returned a book to a woman I didn't know very well, and she invited me to stay for tea.

9.  If books are returned within 30 days, refunds are offered.

10.  Independent publishers credit this year's sales increase to more careful shipment strategies and closer communication with bookstore chains, which are returning fewer books.

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