1.  Desert plants are replacing grass in Phoenix area yards, but new research shows the trend may not be saving much water.

2.  Despite appearances, new research shows, the female sea horse contributes more effort and energy to the welfare of her young than the male.

3.  Despite the resistance, new research is showing that Domini and supporters may be able to deliver what they say they can.

4.  Davis aides said their research had shown various past tax exemptions for certain employee groups, but only in wartime.

5.  Doctors long believed that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ran in families, but research now shows it doesn't; what does is infanticide.

6.  Dozens of women interviewed said that whatever the research might show, they would insist on having mammograms.

7.  Department of Education research shows that taking challenging high school classes is the best predictor of a student's college achievement.

8.  Dr. Perry said other research had shown that "the more healthy foods you put out in the lunchroom, the more of them kids will eat."

9.  Dreyer's research showed that glutamate released from a small number of cells in the retina could spread and kill other cells.

10.  Earlier research had shown that kids began experimenting with alcohol in about the sixth or seventh grade, Bray said, with alcohol use increasing as they grew older.

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