1.  Demand for polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, grew 3 percent, allowing Solvay to raise prices.

2.  Demand for pork bellies, which are processed and cured into bacon, dropped after sellers raised prices almost 40 percent last month.

3.  Demand for satellite television systems is expected to rise after Toronto-based Rogers Communications Inc., Canada's largest cable-television provider, raised prices last week.

4.  Demand for upscale hotel rooms is outpacing the supply, permitting hoteliers to raise room prices.

5.  Despite government orders for price freezes for 60 days, merchants have begun raising prices for many foods and other items.

6.  Demand will have to rise faster than their ever-increasing productivity to raise prices.

7.  Despite those hefty gains, the oil companies inexplicably raised wholesale prices mercilessly beginning in late March, the closing days of the first quarter.

8.  Despite winning the Super Bowl, the Broncos did not raise ticket prices for the second straight season.

9.  Devaluation would raise prices domestically and slash the value of foreign investments.

10.  Developing countries resist commitments to initiate any particular measures but have already raised energy prices and reduced energy subsidies considerably.

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