1.  Cubs Manager Jim Riggleman also doesn't put much stock in the batting average.

2.  Despite 299 yards, the A&M offense could never put the ball in the end zone.

3.  Cupid has not, to this point, put in an appearance.

4.  Current rules don't put a ceiling on the number of work hours.

5.  Despite his fatigue, the cardinal has not completely put aside his public schedule, Zwilling said.

6.  Despite its dominance, Maryland couldn't put Texas away until the final seconds.

7.  Despite weeks of international diplomatic pressure to do so, the Lebanese pointedly did not put their forces on the border when they finally sent them in on Wednesday.

8.  Didn't they intentionally put his football career in jeopardy?

9.  Dickens could not have put more unfeeling words in the mouth of one of his fictional tormentors.

10.  Didn't James Cameron put us on the deck of the Titanic?"

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