1.  Does an individual's right to protect the privacy of an in-box trump the free speech rights of marketers?

2.  DEFENDING YOUR PRIVACY THROUGH WEB SITES ECOM-PRIVACY-ISSUES _ Congress will soon begin debating the need for legislation to protect consumer privacy on the Internet.

3.  Dubbed the "portly pepperpot" by the New York tabloids, her public battle to protect her privacy became an equally public struggle with the scale.

4.  During their high-tech surveillance, prosecutors must comply with constitutional provisions protecting the privacy of individuals, she added.

5.  Dyson hopes this seal will give a marketing edge to sites that protect visitors' privacy.

6.  Earlier this month, Gore held a press conference to announce that he would "protect personal privacy" by making the sale of Social Security numbers illegal.

7.  Efforts are underway to protect the privacy of the medical histories of Americans.

8.  Driving this growth are falling computer prices, better encryption systems to protect online privacy, more online banking features and easier access.

9.  Elliott didn't go into details, preferring to protect Mourning's privacy.

10.  Employers know this and are walking a tightrope between providing worker security and protecting worker privacy.

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