1.  As a result of the shutdown, the Pentagon sent home 258,000 civilians, nearly a third of the 800,000 workers furloughed by the government.

2.  As a last resort, they sent a DNA sample to a private company _ which soon supplied the surname of the man who had left it.

3.  Despite incurring a 10-yard intentional grounding penalty, Marino sent the Dolphins into the locker room on an emotional high.

4.  Despite the strong showing, its failure to match expectations sent shares of Hotel Reservations down $3.62, or 5.6 percent, to $61.18.

5.  Despite some shaky moments, the lineup change - which sent the struggling Fox to the bench - paid quick dividends.

6.  During an attempted break-in, either system sends a message from the sensors to the main control board, activating the alarm.

7.  During market turmoil in early August, she sent reassuring faxes from Israel to clients.

8.  During reconstruction, Lewis sent building proposals and schedules to the NCC.

9.  During that time, the Reagan administration sent U.S. troops to Grenada to help evacuate American students who were said to be in danger there.

10.  During the Christmas party incident at Cnet, one employee sent repeated, angry e-mails not just to Spam but to another company-wide message area.

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