1.  Amid injury and inconsistency, the Knicks were forced to concentrate as they headed into consecutive games against the Chicago Bulls and Minnesota Timberwolves.

2.  As a child in rural Mexico, Marta Acuchi was forced to drop out of the fifth grade and resign herself to cooking and cleaning for her family.

3.  As a member of the original rookie wage scale class, Stackhouse was forced to sign a three-year contract for a predetermined salary.

4.  As a boy he was forced to work to help support his family.

5.  As a condition for emerging from the first bankruptcy in 1996, Hayes, the company's principal stockholder, was forced to surrender control of its daily operations.

6.  As cold-weather gear stays piled up on store shelves, retailers are forced to slash prices and spend more money on advertising.

7.  As a Polish woman suffering the endless and horrific pain of a decision she was forced to make during World War II.

8.  As a result of a settlement with 46 states in November 1998, major tobacco companies were forced to withdraw all advertising from outdoor billboards.

9.  Despite their countries being recognized by the United Nations, athletes from the Ukraine and Byelorussia were forced to compete for the Soviet Union.

10.  Despite this extravaganza, he was forced to remember that he was always an agent.

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