1.  As I examined each piece I was struck by the fact that people passed so fleetingly through the rooms and devoted so little time to look at the furniture.

2.  As people pass, old men will tip their hats.

3.  As people pass through, a sample of the air from each thermal plume would be analyzed to see if the person was carrying a bomb or other contraband.

4.  During the week, 200 to 250 people pass through the center for one program or another.

5.  Final estimates are that 238,000 people passed through the TPC gates from Tuesday through Sunday.

6.  For the first time, more than 1 million people passed through in a month.

7.  Four years earlier, when the team finished fourth in the National League, more than 1.6 million people passed through the turnstiles.

8.  For years, people have passed this way and sworn that they could hear the faint sound of a single fiddle drifting over from Jerusalem Ridge.

9.  Giuliani said that 18 million people passed through the ferry terminal each year, providing a base of potential customers "bigger than most cities."

10.  Guides told us that more than four million people had passed through the door.

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