1.  Disaster relief's program of grants to calamity victims has a financial-need criterion that some people can't meet.

2.  Dollhouse people meet in small groups to make things and share knowledge, and they flock to regional miniatures sales and shows.

3.  Employers like UPS argue that for especially risky jobs they have the right to set high physical standards, even ones that average non-handicapped people might not meet.

4.  --Electronic calendars will make appointments for users automatically, choosing when two people could meet.

5.  Everybody's doing it, People to People's survey revealed: Nearly two-thirds of singles surveyed believe people will meet a mate in cyberspace.

6.  Finally, all 70 people met for three days to forge a shared strategic vision for Harley-Davidson.

7.  For all of Vicious's notoriety, says Temple, "I think if people met Sid, they'd be very fond of him.

8.  For three long days and nights, the people of Montoursville met at the school to reminisce about how Rupert and their other lost friends had touched their town.

9.  Frequently, people can't meet the deadline because their records are out of state.

10.  Fund-raising people met to discuss the money.

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