1.  As another holiday season approaches, parents might as well prepare for an advertising onslaught from toy and video-game companies.

2.  His California parents are preparing the groundwork for their sensitive son's transformation from an armed fighter for the Taliban and Osama bin Laden to a rehabilitated patriot.

3.  His parents prepared him to be more than a major league baseball player.

4.  Her worried parents were already preparing to take her back to Cook Children's Medical Center from her great-grandmother's place at Possum Kingdom Lake.

5.  I think my parents prepared me for it.

6.  I think their parents probably prepared them better."

7.  It might look at the ways African-American families have adapted to things like racism, how African-American parents prepare their children to face racism.

8.  Jesse's disability requires that his parents prepare special meals, employ tutors and therapists, and attend to him several times during the course of a night.

9.  Last week I discussed ways my parents prepared me for the world of work and the benefits I derived.

10.  Live images of Mae are generally available from mid-April to early June, from the time the parents prepare their nest to when their hatchlings fly away.

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