1.  As for that poor cricket coach, I'm betting his days are numbered.

2.  Davis, who also knows Ryan's history, figures his own days are numbered.

3.  Dissipated and imperious, speaking in a raspy drawl, Seldom is a grim capitalist philosopher who knows that his days are numbered.

4.  Don't be surprised if Ceballos' days with the Lakers are numbered.

5.  Does that mean the modern store's days are numbered?

6.  Dunson and Marcus Dowdell had trouble catching the ball Sunday against the Bears and Dowdell's days could be numbered.

7.  Emmitt Smith is the last of the Triplets, and his days are definitely numbered.

8.  Embattled French colonials explain and justify their presence in an effort to deny that history is against them and that their days are numbered.

9.  Even in his private moments, he knew his days were all but numbered.

10.  Even the Mediterranean's days are numbered, though.

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