1.  DAY 2 Prepare your life for the success it brings:

2.  Democrats prepared a similar application for mailing to their potential absentee voters.

3.  Draper and his staff, who estimate they have shot 19,000 rolls of film since Bush took office, prepare a weekly portfolio for the president's review.

4.  Duain Wolfe prepared the Chicago Symphony Chorus.

5.  Elliott talks about his rise to the top of the sport, which began in a car prepared an old ramshackle school that doubled as a junkyard.

6.  Elizabeth Pastan of Atlanta, a salsa-reared San Diegan, prepares this chile-cheese bake every Thanksgiving.

7.  Each day the House Republicans and their staffs prepare the responses, which are not only passed out to media but to the senators.

8.  Ethel Reed, left, prepares an order under the watchful eye of supervisor Keith Blount at a restaurant in the basement of the U.S. Tax Court building.

9.  Eckhard Brodde, an assistant, yelled to the foreman, Bill Joy, as the two prepared the cube-shaped furnace for testing columns recently.

10.  Every business prepares statements that reflect the financial position of the company and the results of its operations.

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