1.  Denmark also meets the convergence requirements for inflation, interest rates and currency position.

2.  Department stores, meanwhile, met expectations.

3.  Dimond, the retired provost of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Medical School, first met Snow at a conference in 1964.

4.  Director Davis first met Eads in 1998, at a Baltimore convention of female-to-male transsexuals.

5.  Dole never met the challenge in his fourth and final attempt at for national office since 1976.

6.  Donald J. Carty, AMR's chairman, first met the president a decade ago when the two lived in the same Dallas neighborhood.

7.  Durham also met his wife, a primary school teacher, at the center.

8.  Dunaway never met the famous diva she portrays in "Master Class."

9.  Durst also met John Lennon, the Beatle, while they both underwent primal therapy, according to his friends and a family member.

10.  Dr. Manuel Patarroyo, a Colombian biochemist, first met disbelief and ridicule when he claimed progress in developing the first successful vaccine against malaria.

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