1.  Department staffing is already being stretched to meet the demand of increased security at landmarks and transportation hubs because of the elevated possibility of terrorism.

2.  Demand for orange juice, a source of Vitamin C, reaches its seasonal peak during the colder, winter months as retailers increase supplies to meet strong demand.

3.  Demand for the shares was fueled by hope Peru's economy will continue to grow at a rapid rate and Telefonica would add telephone lines to meet growing demand.

4.  Despite days of negotiations with the UN on those issues, Israel on Tuesday decided it would not allow the UN investigators to proceed unless certain demands were met.

5.  Despite the struggle to meet demand in the US, Apple Computer has begun selling the iMac in Japan.

6.  Dan Fritz, president of Queenship, said Thursday that his custom-yacht business has moved into a modified custom-built phase to meet demand.

7.  Developers are buying prime tracts of land, bulldozing buildings and rehabilitating historic structures to meet growing demand for upscale apartments and condominiums close to this city's downtown.

8.  Davison declined to speculate on how much palladium Russia has in its stockpile, though some analysts estimate it is enough to meet world demand for several years.

9.  Deakins is determined to blow up a major metropolitan area if his ransom demands aren't met.

10.  Dockworkers at other Brazilian ports are threatening to join the work stoppage on Thursday and Friday if the Paranagua local's demands aren't met.

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