1.  Although horribly scarred in the Civil War, Heath is still the most beautiful person Amelia has ever met.

2.  Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott and other U.S. diplomats will meet with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shamshad Ahmad next Tuesday in London.

3.  Denmark also meets the convergence requirements for inflation, interest rates and currency position.

4.  Cuban has already met with Don Nelson, the Mavericks' coach and general manager, who said he would not return as coach next season.

5.  Del Ponte will also meet Mladan Dinkic, the director of the National Bank, to discuss cooperation on investigating the financial affairs of the Milosevic regime.

6.  Department officials are meeting with brokers on the issue later this month.

7.  Delegates are meeting in Bonn, Germany, in preliminary talks on details of the protocol.

8.  Delegates from 135 nations are meeting here hoping to hammer out an agenda to lower tariffs and remove other trade barriers.

9.  Deputy Mayor Rudy Washington will meet with the organizers on Wednesday in City Hall to discuss alternative plans.

10.  DELL-EARNINGS _ Dell releases fourth quarter and yearend earnings, which it has already warned won't meet analysts' earlier expectations.

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