1.  As a practical matter, this intrusion, if allowed to stand, will deny defendants a capable legal defense.

2.  As a result, the fund set up for the Clintons' defense was obliged to spend tens of thousands of dollars on its own legal defense.

3.  As for the legal fees, he had a legal defense fund in place and it was always his intention that it would eventually cover his legal expenses.

4.  Cutbacks in federal grants for legal defense in capital cases have made it even more difficult to defend inmates.

5.  Despite spending $60,000 for her legal defense, she was dropped from the Olympic team and suspended for the standard two-year period.

6.  Documents from Paula Jones' legal defense fund show that she has used some of that money to pay for her hairstyling and pet care.

7.  Enron says its contract, for the first phase of a planned $2.8 billion investment, provides it with strong legal defenses that it would pursue if necessary.

8.  Evans previously confirmed three other possible payment sources: personal funds, campaign contributions or a legal defense fund.

9.  Even in their failures, they have succeeded by causing the president to incur huge debts for his legal defense.

10.  For Bob Lee: A legal defense fund.

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