1.  As long as they can manage, older citizens are doing themselves a favor by keeping their pets.

2.  (l) PET-ADVICE _ undated _ PET CARE ADVICE: Summer heat requires knowing and planning how to keep your pets cool.

3.  _ Keep your pets in quiet, familiar surroundings where they feel comfortable and secure.

4.  _ Keep your pets out of the living room until trick-or-treating time is over.

5.  Despite all this, keeping a pet has been shown many times to provide important psychological and social benefits to children and adults alike.

6.  In addition, since the vaccine is not 100 percent effective, cat owners will still have to take other precautions, such as keeping their pets indoors.

7.  It's possible, however, to minimize dander exposure by taking some preventive measures, especially keeping pets out of sleeping areas.

8.  --Keep pets in the house or in a kennel.

9.  Let's take a look at a few other things you can do to keep your pet from getting lost forever.

10.  North Carolina had a law that basically kept pets out of motels, but this is no longer the case.

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