1.  As all the tax savings come at the end, I would hope for maximum earnings.

2.  DN: A century from now, what would you hope people remember about your father?

3.  Even if the Socialists fall, however, the PP as their likely successors may have less to offer investors than many would hope.

4.  Even though you might have some Social Security income to augment that, most people would hope for a more substantial retirement income.

5.  Ewing would hope for a different comeback scenario, though.

6.  Expertise on the destinations, I would hope.

7.  Fans will be hoping for a Volume Two, or a live album.

8.  For the same reason, they will hope St. Louis defeats New Orleans on Monday.

9.  For example, we would hope they would close down the offices of groups that engage in terrorism."

10.  Gateway will be hoping it can duplicate the success of its chief rival, Dell, the pioneer of direct telephone sales.

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