1.  Despite all the warnings about high expectations, some in the Bush camp say it beats being on the bottom.

2.  Designated hitter Chili Davis said, "We had high expectations.

3.  Despite many soccer experts having high expectations for him after the '94 tournament, Meola left soccer for a tryout with the New York Jets as a placekicker.

4.  Despite the high expectations, security will remain largely the same for the 340-race meet.

5.  Despite high expectations, President Clinton failed to revive the Israeli-Syrian peace talks in a Geneva summit meeting with Hafez Assad, the president of Syria.

6.  Despite public fascination with the Simpson case, Bell didn't have high expectations for interest in the Bundy street property.

7.  Do high expectations always put too much pressure on children, leading to stress and feelings of inadequacy?

8.  Disney made a critical blunder when it allowed Collins' contract to become a distraction in a season of such high expectation.

9.  Double-digit growth has also left the Irish public with high expectations that may be damaging the economy from within.

10.  Dole's dilemma is that he has high expectations but his base of support is slipping.

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