1.  As he talks about the changes, he also concentrates on how important each foot of space is to the fast pace of a restaurant kitchen.

2.  As much as he loved the fast pace of the city, his wife said, he had his priorities straight.

3.  Desert Air set a fast pace and was weaving in and out through the stretch, at one point drifting out in the path of Chief Three Sox.

4.  Despite the fast pace, Rubin makes sure students have an opportunity to pause and reflect on things that matter to them.

5.  Director Sam Weisman keeps a fast pace.

6.  Director Michael Mann led us from the fighter's childhood to his knockout of George Foreman in 1974 at such a fast pace the characters never were fully developed.

7.  Fans of Tartakovsky's other work can expect the usual fast pace, propulsive mood music and vibrant colors.

8.  Even when public agencies decide to bring service to the Web, they rarely operate at the fast pace known proverbially as "Internet time."

9.  Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who closely follows the plant-use statistics, has warned that a fast pace increases the risk of rising prices.

10.  For a record to be broken, four factors seem essential: a top-quality field, a fast pace, incentive and chilly weather.

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