1.  At another time, employees carefully kept a revolutionary officer and a Mexican army officer on different floors when both showed up to shop.

2.  Despite assurances that employees would keep their jobs "during the transition," many wondered how secure their positions would be over the long haul.

3.  Employees could keep any run-up in the stock price as profit.

4.  Employers have felt pressure to pay more to keep their employees from jumping to competing employers.

5.  Employees could keep the stock, or give it away.

6.  Employees now keep up-to-date resumes, maintain an active professional network and are in touch with recruiting firms.

7.  For each dollar an employee invests, the firm will put in $2 and let the employee keep the return on the full amount.

8.  He noted that Capital Cities/ABC, the company that owns ABC News, allowed its employees to keep their miles.

9.  He said a few local Red Cross employees would keep the hospital open for as long as they could.

10.  Infrared devices carried by helicopters scan the refuge for hidden hot spots, and forestry employees in towers keep an eye out for smoke.

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