1.  Given that about 30 million U.S. drivers now own car phones, such research shouldn't be hard.

2.  In Venezuela, many drivers own their own buses and get to keep the fares, which are regulated by the government.

3.  Many drivers own their own vans, but some work for others.

4.  Maybe some tow-truck drivers do own islands that they bought with profits from trading stocks online.

5.  Neither driver owns a HANS.

6.  Several drivers own units.

7.  State law allows the seizure of vehicles owned by drivers who repeatedly drive while intoxicated, but that law has rarely been enforced.

8.  State law allows the forfeiture of vehicles owned by drivers who repeatedly drive while intoxicated, but the law is rarely enforced.

9.  The driver still owns the clock.

10.  They depicted a world where tow-truck drivers owned their own islands, teen-agers had helicopters and nobody needed a stockbroker's advice any more.

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