1.  Developing writing skills becomes important, and good writing software can inspire and encourage kids to write.

2.  Develop sales skills.

3.  Elsewhere, high school feminists are meeting, organizing and helping each other develop skills to overcome sexism and reach their potential.

4.  Finally, I got together with producers who wanted to develop my skills as a writer."

5.  Finding one's own voice or style is equally important in developing these skills.

6.  For each skill they are graded on, kindergarten pupils and first graders fall into one of three categories: consistent performance, developing skill or having difficulty.

7.  For most children, it was supposed to be an educational pit stop where they developed the skills they needed for full participation.

8.  For that kind of person, it's critical to develop empathy skills.

9.  Folks sharpen their own work skills but don't develop the skills of others.

10.  For young children to develop homework skills, they need a few basics, experts say:

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