1.  Any regular customer, however, develops a certain flexibility.

2.  As a cool front presses east from the Rockies, isolated potent thunderstorms will develop over the Dakotas.

3.  As bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, new strains develop that are resistant to them.

4.  Cumulus clouds will develop into isolated afternoon thunderstorms Sunday in interior New England as low pressure which has brought the recent unsettled weather lifts slowly offshore.

5.  Dell has developed an Internet site for all its information, which allows customers to check out its products, prices and individual sales records.

6.  CuraGen will also develop gene tests to determine which patients would most benefit from Bayer's drugs.

7.  Despite injuries to starters Jamal Mashburn and Voshon Lenard, the master motivator has developed his team into the toughest mental bunch in the league.

8.  Democratic legislators also are developing a new plan that would subsidize poor districts.

9.  Despite all the Mexicans laboring in its kitchens, Los Angeles has not, for the most part, developed a fusion cuisine with a pronounced Hispanic influence.

10.  Democrats are developing a narrower version intended to help only couples who pay more because of the marriage tax.

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