1.  Aside from the big stories of the time, the book describes Sevareid's personal crises, some of which were quite harrowing.

2.  Dertouzos's book describes several concepts being explored, each carrying the promise of new products and applications.

3.  Especially in its view of Israeli-Arab relations, her book describes such uncompromising attitudes that there would seem to be no possible justice.

4.  Hart's book describes his cosmic view of music as the gateway to the soul.

5.  His book describes the 18th-century legend surrounding Prithvi Narayan Shah, the first leader to rule Nepal as a unified kingdom.

6.  His history book described blacks as savage and violent.

7.  If you want a book to describe a city, ask an expatriate writer to do it.

8.  It would take a small book to describe all the political jockeying among the information barons.

9.  Ms. Schor's book describes this new milieu.

10.  One book describes the Statue of Liberty as being bronze even though the statue is made of copper.

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