1.  As a result, the total value of the two companies now stands at about $280 billion.

2.  Currently that investment stands at just under 5 percent.

3.  Currently, LME copper stockpiles stand at 183,475 tons, with copper held in Rotterdam at 12,150 tons.

4.  Downtown, a stone house stands on East Fifth Street.

5.  Early in the evening, the crowd stands around a dance floor watching a middle-aged guy perform a series of hyperactive gyrations, by himself.

6.  Early in the trip he stood near the Dead Sea, where the Book of Genesis says God instructed Lot and his wife to flee Sodom without glancing behind.

7.  Earlier in the day a few North Korean soldiers in olive green uniforms stood just across the boundary line from South Korean soldiers.

8.  Eight years later, that game stands as the beacon for those who cross the Blue Devils' path.

9.  Even now the number stands at 32,600, half of all state inmates.

10.  Even so, GM's and Ford's inventories stand at 80-odd days of production, 20 days more than usual.

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