1.  As a result, Colombia produced 6.5 metric tons of heroin and 435 metric tons of cocaine in 1999.

2.  As a result, the Jets produced only 13 yards in total offense in the first half.

3.  As a result, 1997 produced only three hurricanes.

4.  Currently PG&E and Edison produce three-quarters of the power sold in their service territories.

5.  Currently, Dutton Marine in Worthing, England, produces amphibious cars that use mechanical parts from Ford Fiestas and Suzuki Samurais.

6.  Currently, the oil consortium Azerbaijan International Operating Co. produces 115,000 barrels per day.

7.  In fact East Germany produced a number of greatly talented homegrown novelists and poets whose works filled in virtually all of that blank spot.

8.  Early on in this new work, he produces another statement that furnishes an arresting insight even if it's not as epigrammatic.

9.  Early, his breaking ball produced several key strikeouts.

10.  Early in the second period, the blend of speed, skill and intensity produced the best overall action of the series.

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