1.  Elsewhere one hears traces of Shostakovich and figuration that borrows from everything from the Spanish nationalist school to the grandiose moves that support Hollywood epics.

2.  En route, he hears shouting and finds two ruffians attacking a well-dressed man and his groom.

3.  Especially when we hear all those singsong messages taunting the police and mocking their efforts.

4.  Eventually, a rescuer heard Williams below an unraised slab.

5.  Even today, I hear my grandmother's voice every time I hear that statement.

6.  Everywhere one heard Harrison's exquisite good manners.

7.  Eventually I heard a metronome.

8.  Famously, Blake heard voices, which distracted him but inspired poems and pictures.

9.  Fifteen years ago, I heard the word "journey" for the first time as a reference to spiritual life.

10.  Eventually, just as they were about to give up, they heard Lucky calling to them.

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