1.  As a result, "He's developed a very nice riding style."

2.  As a result, Indians have developed a diversified vegetarian cuisine.

3.  As a result, many mutual fund managers, who in previous years filled their portfolios with retail stocks, have developed an aversion to the group.

4.  As a result, organizations such as Christian Solidarity International and Christian Freedom International have developed sizable programs to free the slaves and press for international awareness.

5.  Apparently he's developed a new way of looking at things since he left New England.

6.  As a result, they have developed a strongly pro-Azerbaijan position.

7.  As a result, both teams have developed a familiarity and trust among the players, as well as a thorough understanding of the defensive plans.

8.  As a result, many of these bacterial critters have developed defenses to resist many of our best antibiotics.

9.  Doubtless, we will develop new techniques of price measurement to unearth them as the years go on.

10.  Domestically, all major automakers have developed regional Internet sales tools that they hope to expand nationally.

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