1.  Essentially, they cannot agree on what kind of player Walker should be.

2.  Even then, they couldn't agree on a firm date.

3.  Finally, a recipe and method were agreed on.

4.  Finally, Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" was agreed upon.

5.  First, I don't agree with him.

6.  For example, Japan's patent office has agreed to a U.S. demand to allow patents to cover as yet undiscovered uses for technology.

7.  Finally, someone John McEnroe can agree with.

8.  Furthermore, counties and cities must agree on how to make their growth plans work together, offering a unified master blueprint to the state.

9.  However, representatives of the music industry and consumer electronics manufacturers have agreed on guidelines for using DVD just for audio.

10.  However, Smith might agree to offseason surgery to prevent future problems.

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