1.  Dot-info is one of seven new top-level domains approved to offer an alternative to .com, .org and .net names.

2.  Earlier today, the same panel backed a new use of Albunex, already approved to image the heart, for use in diagnosing obstructions in fallopian tubes.

3.  Flumadine, a closely related drug, has also been approved to fight the flu.

4.  For about a decade, the ingredient has been available in over-the-counter products approved to relieve muscle or joint pain.

5.  Fifteen charter schools began operating this year and two more already are approved to open during the 2000-2001 school year.

6.  Four drugs are approved to prevent or treat osteoporosis.

7.  Formgen, a software company in Scottsdale, Ariz., produces a monthly CD-ROM of programs that have been approved to carry the association's logo.

8.  He added: "There's very little we would approve to pre-empt Sunday night games for.

9.  He had been approved to enter the United States by immigration officials who believed he had a legitimate fear of persecution in his homeland.

10.  He prayed every day that they would be approved to come to America.

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