81.  As Act Two ended, Clinton participated in two totally disparate events abroad.

82.  As far as I'm concerned it's totally behind me.

83.  During the Kosovo war, "the paper was actually criticized for not being totally pro-NATO.

84.  Dunst gives a totally flat performance, almost as if she's insulted to be making a cheerleading movie.

85.  Each film is a totally involving if occasionally uncomfortable experience.

86.  During a recent afternoon at home, Knowles was totally put together _ flawless skin, shining lipstick and curled hair highlighted with red.

87.  During an interview the other day at a West Hollywood hotel, Jackson called the film "a totally un-Hollywood concept."

88.  Each rod is totally different and has a different action, action being the sway of the rod and how it throws the line out.

89.  Each side is looking for something totally different in a juror.

90.  Each time you look up at the screen, she was a totally different human being.

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