81.  For example, most basic homeowner policies do not include flood or earthquake coverage, both of which are sold as separate policies.

82.  For example, the automakers may not include the value of labor in the vehicle assembly plants in calculating domestic content.

83.  For example, the study does not include the approximately 3,400 lynchings of Negroes, mainly in the U.S. South, between 1882 and 1935.

84.  For example, the testimony from more than a dozen witnesses before the grand jury will not be included in the released material.

85.  For example, the titles given this year's spate of bills do not include the words "alien" or "immigration."

86.  For his part, Robertson, writing before Waco, did not include the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms among his large web of co-conspirators.

87.  For example, the merger's unseen stars no doubt include Senator Edward M. Kennedy and Representative Joe Moakley, who plumped for it behind the scenes.

88.  For instance, the measure doesn't include any direct U.S. military assistance for Bosnia's Muslim government.

89.  For instance, the figures for Microsoft do not include the annual option grant made to workers on July 31, when the stock closed at $69.81.

90.  For instance, the new IOM committee looking at organ allocation does not include transplant surgeons.

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