81.  As for the displaced Valentin, manager Jerry Manuel will probably give him most of his playing time in center field.

82.  Either way, the areas will give you something other than weird happenings on Capitol Hill to talk about.

83.  Either would give banks the ability to assume financial or management control over major investments, such as infrastructure projects, if they felt things were going wrong.

84.  Economic alliances with Haitians living abroad, they said, would give the mayors the financial clout to direct aid to their municipalities as they saw fit.

85.  Election offices in the participating states will be given government computers to receive the ballot transmissions.

86.  Egypt will give tax exemptions to projects in 16 industries under a law finally passed by the Egyptian government Saturday, the government-owned El Ahram newspaper reported.

87.  Employees will be given a severance based on their seniority, according to Nancy LaSota, director of West Valley's Community Health Resources.

88.  Elongating their bodies would have given more muscular force to drive their heads through soil and slip through crevices.

89.  Employers would also be given an additional tax incentive to provide child care for their workers.

90.  During coming days, earnings from Dell Computer Corp. will give investors a barometric reading on the health of personal computer sales.

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