71.  As an elite cyclist, Armstrong is used to pain.

72.  As an example, he said trade-ins at his new-car dealerships would give him a better supply of used cars than Carmax could find.

73.  Duquette was asked if he felt used by either the agent or the Yankees.

74.  Duration is a commonly used term in the fixed-income world that gauges an investment portfolio's sensitivity to changes in interest rates.

75.  Each channel offers the same one-click access to the Yellow Pages, stock quotes, weather, news groups and several other commonly used functions.

76.  Disease management is a loosely used term for programs to treat a specific recurring illness, from herpes to cancer to diabetes.

77.  Do not tap the coffee filter basket on any metal surface to get rid of used coffee grounds, because doing so can damage the filter and basket.

78.  Doctors and nurses put used needles _ often blood-contaminated _ in the containers to help prevent infection.

79.  Does it sound like it used to?

80.  Dogs get used to the repetitiveness of it, and after awhile they get bored and start doing their own thing.

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