71.  During the ads, Kramer and Gold would say something to the effect of, "Hey, we wear this stuff, and it's great."

72.  Dissension between the offense and defense, something Buddy sows wherever he goes, flared into the open after the loss to the Chargers.

73.  During the frenetic start-up, the 20-something tycoon developed a reputation as an imperious and abrasive boss.

74.  Earlier, the prosecutor asked Harris if he knew he did something wrong in pushing Mrs. Sin.

75.  Early last week, for instance, rumors cropped up that the Travelers Group and Citicorp merger was being renegotiated, something company executives said was untrue.

76.  Do something for him, for God's sake.'

77.  Do something for the expectations of your readers every week with Dr. Laura's 800-word Q&A column.

78.  Do something, say the moralists, appalled by ethnic cleansing and fearful that a Balkan war could turn into a pan-European war.

79.  Dole, stripped of his romanticism by his injury, believes that life's struggle is against something _ personal adversity, communism, Democrats.

80.  Each time, the nuns would share their stories and she would share with them something from her own life.

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