71.  As a day laborer for an Israeli farmer, he returned to the site of his former village to harvest onions for $3 a day.

72.  Any time someone approaches the dog it runs away, only to return to his lonely vigil when the person leaves.

73.  Described in the book as the single "ray of sunshine" in Gucci's life, Loud refused to return Forden's calls.

74.  Describing her legacy, Ogata, who is returning to Japan, said: "We stayed the course in emergencies.

75.  Describing the storm as a "major disaster," Cosgrove predicted that it would take at least two weeks before service returned to normal.

76.  Despite Ebersol's prediction that the millennium would arrive before baseball returned to his network, NBC did buy back in.

77.  Despite entreaties to consider returning to Minneapolis, Gordy Aamoth was determined to stay in New York, even if it was far from his family.

78.  Currently, Japanese car-carrying ships return home without any cargo after dropping off the autos on U.S. shores.

79.  Despite her emotional appeal to be relieved of her duties here, Ms. Otto supportively touched McVeigh on the back as she passed him, returning to her seat.

80.  Despite his frequent threats to stop acting onstage, he repeatedly returned.

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