71.  Democrats have traditionally denounced efforts to reduce it as a GOP giveaway to the rich.

72.  Despite Buddhism's rising popularity in America, Rinpoche worries too many practioners are reducing Mahayana solely to meditation.

73.  Despite budget cuts that have reduced its production, the greenhouse still grows 40 percent of all the blooms planted by city workers and volunteers.

74.  Despite congressional efforts to weaken environmental laws, Celente said, "There's no mandate to reduce environmental regulations."

75.  Despite references to the power of the military, Acosta said its presence is diminished because its budget has been reduced several times.

76.  Despite studies that show that clean needles reduce the rate of HIV infection, the administration cannot stomach being painted by the Republicans as condoning illegal drug use.

77.  Cyberonics Inc.'s device to help reduce seizures suffered by patients with epilepsy was found safe and effective by a Food and Drug Administration panel.

78.  CyberWorks also reduced its staff costs 3.2 percent, he said.

79.  Cyclical industries like steel and autos would face only a slight reduction in their ability to use net operating losses to reduce income taxes in profitable years.

80.  Despite that, the IRS has in the last five years reduced the audit rate of the largest corporations, from 72.5 to 51 percent.

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