71.  I don't know what it is with K.C. where people don't give him his due."

72.  I don't think too many people gave them a chance two years ago.

73.  I have had to tell them I am in a little bit better shape than people are giving me credit for."

74.  I hear good songs from everywhere and people give me tapes and CDs.

75.  I have heard people give moving addresses as to why we should die as soon as possible "so that we can know God's love sooner."

76.  I just hope people give it a chance.

77.  I just hope people give us a chance to grow together as a team before judging us against the other shows."

78.  I just need people to give me a chance."

79.  I mean, whether they were wearing jeans and a T-shirt, or whether they were wearing their black trench coats, people would give them looks.

80.  I don't think many people gave us a chance to win."

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