71.  As a general proposition, only a supervisor, or other person acting with the authority of the company, can cause this sort of injury.

72.  Despite the anguish it caused him, Hiebert said he had no regrets about the article.

73.  Cystic fibrosis, for instance, is caused by a mutated gene that codes for a faulty protein that makes the mucus in the lungs too viscous.

74.  Cytoxan, whose generic name is cyclophosphamide, can cause bladder cancer.

75.  Demonstrations are planned in Montreal, where authorities say they do not expect the protests to cause the same havoc as in Seattle.

76.  Dempsey says a gambling scandal would be ruinous because it would cause the public to lose confidence in the tournament's integrity.

77.  Denise Donnelly said experiments with monkeys showed that repeated low-dose exposures to organophosphate chemicals will cause ALS, even when the exposures are widely spaced.

78.  Dennis Erickson caused the commotion when he emerged from a black, balloonlike helmet and formally introduced himself as the Oregon State football coach.

79.  Despite the fact that Robert is conscious and interactive, Rose's decision to cause Robert's death is supported unanimously by the Lodi Memorial Hospital ethics committee.

80.  Despite often being physically weak and causing her team to lose all-important challenges, she soldiered on and made it to the Final Four.

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