61.  Anyone who performed the procedure could be fined and sentenced to up to two years in prison.

62.  Despite warnings last year that bacteria levels must be monitored at least monthly, no tests had been performed for the last several months, inspectors said.

63.  Despite, or perhaps because of, the tight rein, the Russian team performed brilliantly.

64.  Determined to become a dancer, Ossorio had a modest career that included performing in Hollywood musicals and with the Grand Ballet de Marquis de Cuevas in Europe.

65.  Derek Harper, the point guard who must perform well for New York to win a title, reported in better shape than anyone.

66.  Despite the name guests, the focus is on the unknown writers, some of them published poets, who perform before a responsive audience.

67.  Despite the Nasdaq's decline, the overall market performed well Thursday.

68.  Despite their potential power, Shor said in his presentation, quantum computers will not necessarily perform all tasks more quickly than classical computers.

69.  Dallas Coach Barry Switzer called the results of Smith's magnetic resonance imaging test, performed Friday, "something we can all be thankful for."

70.  Developed countries continued to perform better.

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