61.  Any thrust from Capitol Hill that survives the White House gantlet would be used as proof that Clinton is merely a lite clone of the true Dole brew.

62.  As a faithful churchgoer, Clinton frequently speaks on the importance of religion in the public square.

63.  Despite Deutch's impressive performance, it would be a mistake to elevate him to cabinet rank, as Clinton proposes.

64.  Despite Dole's relatively strong showing, Clinton appears in an even better position as the presidential primaries approach early next year.

65.  Despite Dole's talk of tolerance for the last month, he still opposes abortion, a fact that the Clinton campaign was quick to point out Friday.

66.  Currently the commission's budget is $28.1 million, and Clinton requested $29.3 million for the agency in the 1998 fiscal year that begins in October.

67.  Currently, Clinton, who won Ohio in 1992, is leading Dole by six points in polls here.

68.  Currently, Perot and Clinton are roughly dividing these non-Dole Republicans, though the president appears to have a slight edge.

69.  Despite her support for Clinton, don't look for pictures of many other politicians.

70.  Despite his ample lead in the opinion polls, maybe Clinton's instinct is also to avoid any specifics that might jeopardize any constituency.

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