61.  Although I should point out that the U.S. companies that transferred operations to Mexico did cause a loss of jobs within certain regions of the United States.

62.  Any widening of the U.S. trade deficit caused by the dollar's strength would also risk undermining the U.S. currency.

63.  Despite causing fits for U.S. negotiators over the years and now being labeled by Israel a sponsor of terrorism, he is familiar.

64.  Despite claims that Windows Me has simplified the error messages, it still spit out such gems as "Rundll32 has caused an error in unknown.

65.  Despite promises of simplicity, however, the phone line products have been known to cause even experienced network users to have conniptions.

66.  Despite rumors and a statement by one of its own lawyers that AIOC's problems were caused by futures trading losses, the firm denied that last week.

67.  Despite something called the First Amendment, the wrong kind of bumper sticker can cause a lot of trouble.

68.  Cyclone Chloe hit the Western Australian Goldfields in early April adding to the problems caused by Cyclone Bobby in March.

69.  Despite fairly strong demand for nickel, Russian scrap stainless steel has flooded the market this year, causing nickel prices to sag.

70.  Despite the advances in reducing side effects, chemotherapy still causes anxiety for many cancer patients.

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