51.  Any victory for opponents of the sale has tended to cause concern among investors.

52.  Despair had infected many refugees on Monday and Tuesday, causing some to commit suicide.

53.  Desperate people could deliberately cause damage to call attention to their problems."

54.  Despite Martin's attempt, the editor of the Athens Daily Review said the Rainbo Club tax status has never caused much of a local stir.

55.  Despite medical opinion, some NBA players continue to fear that Mourning's disease was caused by the medication.

56.  Despite occasional horror stories, 95 percent of all renters are good tenants who pay on time and cause few problems.

57.  Customized investment contracts known as derivatives have caused unexpectedly large losses at some funds, whose managers wildly overestimated their ability to sell those securities quickly.

58.  Cutler said the practice, if continued, would cause health care costs to rise even faster.

59.  Cutting into the quick will cause bleeding, pain and discomfort until the nail grows longer again.

60.  Cutting the funding this year could cause the Air Force to rethink the whole project, he said.

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