51.  At the station houses, however, such talk has caused a certain level of panic.

52.  If the asbestos is at a certain level, you can remove them yourself.

53.  If the noise registers above a certain level, the TV mute function of the emergency device is activated.

54.  In addition, a child needs to demonstrate a certain level of emotional maturity before going babysitter-less _ a level that will vary from child to child.

55.  In British Columbia, Idaho and Colorado, for example, rafting guides are certified by passing a test and meeting a requirement for a certain level of experience.

56.  In addition, the formulas protect wealthier districts from falling below a certain level of aid, forcing poorer districts to share a smaller pie.

57.  In fact, there is a certain level of interest out there."

58.  In addition, a dual compensation system, in which managers but not labor are rewarded by performance, adds to a certain level of resentment among employees.

59.  In essence, Silver has demanded assurances in advance that the governor will not resort to widespread vetoes if spending remains under a certain level.

60.  In interviews, several commission members expressed a somewhat lesser level of alarm while saying they understood the reasons for the president's concerns.

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