41.  Currencies go up and down, and that doesn't mean economic progress is stymied," said a local analyst who asked not to be named.

42.  Current company president Russell Lewis was named chief executive.

43.  Delta's stock, which fell after the earnings were reported Thursday morning, rebounded later in the day after Allen's replacements were named.

44.  Deluxe Corp., Shoreview, Minn., named John Blanchard III president and chief executive.

45.  Demag Delaval Turbomachinery Corp., Trenton, named Norman D. Shahan president and chief executive.

46.  Currently, he says, there is one particular project which he's passionately drawn to, a film which he cagily refuses to name.

47.  Currently, the big New England union is being run by a special administrator named by AFSCME's international president, Gerald McEntee.

48.  Despite his political views, Li did not arrive at such wealth without plenty help from government officials, though he will not name benefactors.

49.  Currently, the mayor appoints two board members and the borough presidents name the other five.

50.  Demerara, named for Guyana's principle river, is a type of rum, rather than a brand.

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